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procedure Hide;

Use this method to hide the form and remove it from the active form list (internally managed by IntraWeb). When you call Hide, the last active form will be showed again. If you don't have any active form, the application will be terminated.

procedure Release;

Use this method to prepare your form to be destroyed by IntraWeb.

When you call the Release method:

  • the Hide method is called automatically;
  • the last active form will be showed again. If you don't have any active form, the application will be terminated;
  • The form will be destroyed only when the next form is shown.

procedure Show;

Use this method to show your form. This also makes your form to be on the top of the active forms list.


property Released: Boolean;

Use this property to read if the form has been released, ie, if it has been added to the list of forms to be released by IntraWeb.

property WebApplication: TIWApplication;

Use this property to access the WebApplication instance of the current user session.

property ConnectionMode: TIWConnectionMode;

Use this property to read the current connection mode used by the current form.

TIWConnectionMode = (cmAny, cmSecure, cmNonSecure);

property ExtraHeader: TStringList;

Use this property to add any extra headers required by your form

property ContentFiles: TStringList;

Use this property to add any external content file to your application.

property HiddenFields: TStringList;

Use this property to manage hidden fields in your form.

property Title: string;

Use this property to indicate the Title of the form that is shown on the browser window or the browser tab, depending on the browser.

property RenderInvisibleControls: Boolean; (this property is defined in the class TIWBaseContainer)

Use this property to inform that any control that has Visible = False when the container it is rendered will also be rendered along with the visible controls. This is particulary useful when you need to change the visibility of controls using Async events.


property OnRender: TNotifyEvent; (this event is defined in the class TIWContainer)

This event is triggered just before the IntraWeb rendering mechanism starts rendering the form. Use this event to make any special processing, user interface updates, etc.

Remember this event is triggered every time there is a full post event on your form, like a Button click and you need to be carefull on which code you add to this event. If you open a dataset on this event, it may slow down your form rendering process.

property OnAfterRender: TNotifyEvent;

This event occurs after the form has been rendered. Use this event to make any special post processment after your form has been rendered, as closing large datasets for memory optimization or any other operation.


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