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Controls specific options regarding Http.sys applications



Class hierarchy

TPersistent -> TIWHttpSysOptions


Create [Public]

Declaration: constructor Create(AServerControllerBase: TIWServerControllerBase);

Description: Constructs an instance of the class TIWHttpSysOptions and initializes its data.


  • AServerControllerBase (TIWServerControllerBase)

Assign [Public]

Declaration: procedure Assign(ASource: TPersistent); override;

Description: Copies properties values from another TIWHttpSysOptions instance or TPersistent descendant.


  • ASource (TPersistent): TIWHttpSysOptions instance to copy properties from


VirtualHostNames: string; [Published, Read/Write]

You can use VirtualHostNames to create URL reservations using a host name instead of wildcards (strong or weak). For instance: http://myvirtualhostname:8888/MyIWApp/. This way, Http.sys will forward all requests with that exact URL to your application. More than one Virtual Host Name can be provided (comma separated). All other requests coming to port 8888 will not be forwarded to your application (they can be forwarded to a different IW application, to IIS or any other application using Http.sys).

AddDefaultBinding: Boolean; [Published, Read/Write]

When True your application will register the default URL with Http.sys when it runs (also known as “URL reservation”). The default URL composed by the protocol (http or https), the wildcard (strong or weak) or virtual host name, port and the Url Base if applicable.

HostWildcard: TIWHttpSysHostWildcard; [Published, Read/Write]

it might be strong or weak. In a simplified way, strong wildcard means everything coming to that port, doesn’t matter the URL of the request. A weak wildcard means all requests to that port not captured by other reservations.

ThreadsPerCore: Word; [Published, Read/Write]

When set (any value greater than zero) IntraWeb will use this value as the number of threads per core when creating threads for Http.sys processes. When not set (i.e. ThreadsPerCore = 0, the default value), IntraWeb will create 16 threads per core. For instance, if the machine has 8 cores, the application will create 128 threads in total. Please notice that when debugging this number can be different (see LimitThreadCountInDebug). This is the average recommended value for this type of application, based on our tests. We recommend that you use the default value, unless you have a good reason to change it.

LimitThreadCountInDebug: Boolean; [Published, Read/Write]

When True (default) IntraWeb will ignore property ThreadsPerCore (when set) and use a default ThreadsPerCore = 0, only when debugging (i.e. running on Delphi IDE). It makes startup and shutdown of the application slightly faster and more convenient to debug.


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